In The Fugitive, how logs has Dr Richard Kimble has been on the run?

Correct! Wrong!

(90 minutes) Deputy Samuel Gerard "Listen up, ladies and gentlemen. Our fugitive has been on the run for 90 minutes. Average foot speed over uneven ground, barring injuries, is 4 miles-an-hour. That gives us a radius of six miles."

In Trainspotting, what Sean Connery film does Sick Boy say 'is merely a blip on an otherwise uninterrupted downward trajectory’?

Correct! Wrong!

(The Name of the Rose) The Name of the Rose is a strange film, one which sadly loses its rhythmic steam in the third act as the world’s deeper machinations come clear and yet still manages to find ways to re-ignite itself every time our interest begins to wane.

In Ghost, what does Sam slide up the door to convince Molly he is there?

Correct! Wrong!

(A penny) After Patrick becomes a ghost, he levitates a penny, showing that he is present. The coin appears to be a Lincoln copper cent dated 1943-S.

Pulp Fiction’s Mia appeared in the pilot episode of which TV show?

Correct! Wrong!

(Fox Force Five) Mia’s pilot show, Fox Force Five, has a very familiar premise. The five women she describes are likely the beginnings of the five women found in Kill Bill.

Who directed Thelma & Louise?

Correct! Wrong!

(Ridley Scott) The movie also inspired Tori Amos to write "Me and a Gun" which tells the true story of one of Amos’ fans kidnapping and assaulting her after a gig. Seven years after the incident, the singer-songwriter cried while watching Thelma & Louise in a theater, then went home and wrote the song.

In Clueless, rich kid Elton is a fan of which Irish band that was big in the 90s?

Correct! Wrong!

(The Cranberries) "Away" single by The Cranberries was previously unreleased but was included on the soundtrack of the 1995 film Clueless.

What Prince song does Julia Roberts sing in the bath in Pretty Woman?

Correct! Wrong!

(Kiss) Even though Vivian memorably sings along to the song in the hotel’s massive bathtub—complete with kissing sounds—Prince’s “Kiss” doesn’t actually appear on the film’s soundtrack.

Which song from The Lion King won an Oscar for Best Original Song?

Correct! Wrong!

(Can You Feel The Love Tonight) During production, Elton John insisted on the film having "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" in which the filmmakers didn't plan on using. Out of the 5 songs Rice and John collaborated on, three songs from The Lion King were nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Song; ultimately, "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" won the Oscar.

What is the name of Cassandra’s band in Wayne’s World?

Correct! Wrong!

(Crucial Taunt) Generic-y hard rock/metal band fronted by Wayne Campbell's (Mike Myers) totally babealicious, bass-playing, Asian-American girlfriend, Cassandra Wong (Tia Carrere), in the films Wayne's World (1992) and the sequel, Wayne's World 2 (1993).

In Point Break, the bank robbers wear masks. Which ex-president mask is NOT among them?

Correct! Wrong!

(Gerald Ford) The Ex-Presidents gang plow through the region's banks at a frenzied clip, while wearing masks of the U.S. presidents from Lyndon Johnson to Ronald Reagan. But not Gerald Ford. Poor Ford. Can't even get the respect of B-movie criminals.

In Office Space, Joanna wears 15 pieces of flair. How many does Brian wear?

Correct! Wrong!

(37) Flair were based off the real life buttons many servers actually had to wear at the time at a number of chain restaurants including TGI Fridays. A few years after the film came out, however, the chain discontinued the use of flair. Why? Apparently because people wouldn’t stop making Office Space references about it.

In Titanic, which painter does Rose mention when Jack is ‘drawing her like one of his French girls’?

Correct! Wrong!

(Monet) In the film version “Titanic”, James Cameron spiced up the action by alluding to lost Monets, Picassos, and Degas.

In Independence Day, Jeff Goldblum repeats a line he uttered in Jurassic Park?

Correct! Wrong!

(Must go faster) The Independence Day crew simply loved Goldblum’s line from Jurassic Park, so looped it into the movie. Jeff actually never uttered the phrase during Independence Day!

When Neo experiences déjà vu in The Matrix, what animal does he see twice?

Correct! Wrong!

(A cat) Neo sees the same black cat walk down a hallway twice, believing the experience to be a déjà vu. The others explain to Neo that what he witnessed was actually a “glitch in the matrix” – a sign that something in the program has been altered.

What was the name of the John Connor’s dog in Terminator 2: Judgment Day?

Correct! Wrong!

(Max) While John had the T-800 Terminator ask, in his voice, the T-1000 Terminator, who was impersonating John's foster mom, why Wolfie was barking, the T-1000 Terminator failed to initially recognize that the name "Wolfie" was incorrect, assuming "Wolfie" was just fine. The T-800 Terminator immediately hung up and informed John his foster parents were dead.

When Dr Evil asks for $1m from the UN in Austin Powers, he is mocked with laughter. What figure does he ask for next?

Correct! Wrong!

($100 billion) The film was a way for Myers' to honor his dad who introduced him James Bond, Peter Sellers, The Beatles, The Goodies, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore."

Which Baldwin brother stars in 1990 movie Flatliners?

Correct! Wrong!

(William) Flatliners is a 1990 American science fiction psychological horror film staring Kiefer Sutherland, Julia Roberts, William Baldwin, Oliver Platt, and Kevin Bacon. The film is about five medical students who attempt to find out what lies beyond death by conducting clandestine experiments that produce near-death experiences.

What is the name of the town attacked by the sand creatures in Tremors?

Correct! Wrong!

(Perfection) Perfection, Nevada is a small town of fourteen residents that serves as the primary setting of the Tremors franchise. It was once called "Rejection Valley" in the old west times.

Which band did The Dude say he used to be a roadie for in The Big Lebowski?

Correct! Wrong!

(Metallica) The Dude tells Maude he was a roadie for Metallica on their (fictional) "Speed of Sound" tour and refers to the band members as a "bunch of assholes." Metallica themselves were flattered to be referred to in a Coen Brothers movie.

Which is NOT a rule for surviving a horror movie from satirical slasher Scream?

Correct! Wrong!

(You can never sleep over at a friend’s house) Interestingly, when Casey hits Ghostface in the head with her giant-ass phone, she actually hit Wes Craven. That was the only time in franchise history that Craven has donned the nightmare-inducing mask. He also made a brief cameo as a janitor.

What is the number on the roof of the bus in action movie Speed?

Correct! Wrong!

(2525) The bus number is 2525. 25+25=50, and 50 mph is the level the bus needs to stay above to prevent the bomb from exploding.

What is the narrator’s (Edward Norton) power animal in Fight Club?

Correct! Wrong!

(A penguin) The visible breath coming out of Ed Norton when he meets a penguin in a South Pole cave was digitally recycled from Leonardo DiCaprio’s death scene in “Titanic.”

According to the little kid in Jerry Maguire, how much does the human head weigh?

Correct! Wrong!

(8 pounds) The typical mass of a human head is about 11 pounds, significantly larger than what the movie "Jerry Maguire" suggests, a mere 8 pounds. This result probably puts most heads at roughly seven percent of the person's body mass.

In Death Becomes Her, what is the name of the book published by Helen Sharp?

Correct! Wrong!

(Forever Young) Helen sends Madeline invitation for her and Ernest to come to the book party celebrating Helen's new book "Forever Young".

In Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion, what did Frink invent that made him a billionaire?

Correct! Wrong!

(Rubber for shoes) Sandy Frink then arrives via helicopter, and turns out to be a billionaire who made his fortune from inventing a special shoe rubber.

In Mission: Impossible, the air stewardess suggests which island movie from ‘the cinema of the Caribbean’ to Ethan Hunt?

Correct! Wrong!

(Aruba) Flight Attendant: "Would you consider the cinema of the Caribbean? Aruba, perhaps?"

Beauty and the Beast was the 1st animated film to be nominated for Best Picture. What movie won Best Picture that year?

Correct! Wrong!

(The Silence of the Lambs) Beauty and the Beast did win the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy, and became the first animated film to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture, but it was The Silence of the Lambs that took home the Oscar.

Which quote is NOT a line of dialogue from Arnie classic Total Recall?

Correct! Wrong!

(Don’t forget to send me a copy) Total Recall marked the transition from old to new special effects. The 1990 film was both one of the final movies to heavily utilize miniature effects and one of the first to employ computer-generated imagery.

In Con Air, Cameron Poe is trying to get home for his daughter’s birthday. What date is her birthday?

Correct! Wrong!

(July 14th) Poe's on his way to meet his daughter for the first time. Once he's packed a toy bunny, of course. "My daddy's coming home on July 14th. My birthday is July 14th. I'm going to see my daddy for the first time ever on July 14th."

Which of these 90s movies did NOT star Jeanne Tripplehorn?

Correct! Wrong!

(Jeanne Tripplehorn) Her film career began with the role of a police psychologist in the erotic thriller Basic Instinct (1992). Her other film roles include The Firm (1993), Waterworld (1995) and Sliding Doors (1998).

The 90s Movie Trivia
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